PC members


University of Belgrade (UBG), Belgrade, Serbia, (www.bg.ac.rs). The University of Belgrade is a state university. Its main activities in the fields of higher education and scientific research are activities of public interest. Faculties of the University are separate legal persons, i.e. they have their own management bodies. Apart from its coordinating function, the University’s responsibilities are also to create uniform criteria and control quality of work. Through the work of its 11 centres it strives to involve all modern educational and societal trends in the higher education of Serbia. Specifically, work of centres contains: transfer of the technology, international relations, e-learning and distance education, lifelong learning, etc. The University of Belgrade has found its place amongst the top 400 universities in the world, according to the most recent (2013) Shanghai ranking List. The University encompasses 31 faculties and 11 institutes, providing education, research and expert consultation services in all scientific disciplines.

University of Novi Sad (UNS), Novi Sad, Serbia, (www.uns.ac.rs). University of Novi Sad is the second largest university in Serbia with around 5000 employees and 50000 students. Having invested considerable efforts in intensifying international cooperation and participating in the process of university reforms in Europe, the University of Novi Sad has come to be recognized as a reform-oriented university in the region and on the map of universities in Europe. The University of Novi Sad in Serbia is taken as an example of how one University in a transition country, which was lacking tradition in entrepreneurial practices, is striving to become an entrepreneurial university. UNS led many European projects dedicated to innovation and technology transfer and ideas commercialization. Units of knowledge transfer already established at the university level are: Innovation Center, Technology Transfer Center, Novi Sad Incubation Center, Business Support Office, the first phase of the Science Technology Park and the Second phase with more than 29000 m2 space for innovative companies will start to be built in June 2015.

University of Nis (UNI), Nis, Serbia, (www.ni.ac.rs). The University of Nis was founded in 1965 as a state higher education institution. At present, the University comprises 13 faculties: Civil Engineering and Architecture, Economics, Electronic Engineering, Arts, Law, Mechanical Engineering, Medicine, Occupational Safety, Philosophy, Sport, Sciences and Mathematics, Technology and Teacher-Training.

University of Nis presently has more than 25,000 undergraduate and nearly 700 postgraduate students, about 1,500 teaching staff and more than 600 administrative and support staff. There are 22531 students at the basic professional, the basic academic and the integrated studies, 60 of them are foreign students (from Greece, Montenegro, Macedonia, Jordan, Germany, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Turkey, USA, Australia). There are a number of university units like: JUNIS, Center for Quality Improvement, Center for International Cooperation, Center for Career Development, Research Center of Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, Center for Applied Physics, etc.

State University of Novi Pazar (SUNP), Novi Pazar, Serbia, (www.np.ac.rs). SUNP is the only integrated state university in Serbia. With more than 4000 students and 250 permanent teaching staff, (170 professors and lecturers and 80 assistants and research fellows), it is contributing to comprehensive development of the region.  The integrated structure of SUNP has enabled, as the youngest state university in Serbia, to develop much faster with the available funds and teaching and administration staff. SUNP operates through ten departments. It is accredited for 45 study programmes (20 Bachelor, 20 Master and 5 PhD study programmes). The relevant departments for the IF4TM project are Law Science Department, Economic Science Department and Technical Studies Department. SUNP has noticed results and a number of realized projects (national and international) in various areas relevant to subject of this project like curriculum development, lifelong learning, university/enterprises cooperation and similar ones.

Technical College of Applied Sciences (TCAS), Zrenjanin, Serbia, (www.vts-zr.edu.rs). The main activity of the TCAS is higher education, organisation of trainings and research. TCAS is a member of KASSS (Conference of the academies of colleges of Serbia).
The College building occupies an area of about 7000 m2 with one lecture theatre, numerous classrooms and about thirty laboratories with equipment and facilities used for practicals.
Undergraduate programs: Mechanical Engineering (with four modules, Production Mechanical Engineering, Process Mechanical Engineering, Agricultural Mechanical Engineering and Automatic Control); Technological Engineering (with four modules, Food Technology, Cosmetics and Pharmacy, Petrochemistry and Environmental Protection); Engineering Management (with two modules, Computer Science and Crisis Management) and Textiles and Cloth Modelling. Specialist programs: Specialist studies in Technology and Specialist studies in Mechanical Engineering.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MEST), Serbia, (www.mpn.gov.rs). The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development supervises the organization of the education system and performs public administration tasks related to planning, development and pedagogical supervision at all levels of education and organization of the professional development at lower levels of education.

Intellectual Property Office (IPOS), Serbia, (www.zis.gov.rs). As the central administrative body for intellectual property protection in Serbia, the Office performs expert tasks and tasks of government administration referring to patent, petty patent, trademark, design, geographical indication, topography of integrated circuits, copyright and related rights, implementation of international treaties from the field of intellectual property protection and the presentation and representation of interests of the Republic of Serbia in the specialized international organizations for the protection of intellectual property; development in the field of intellectual property protection; information and education tasks in the field of protection of intellectual property, as well as other tasks determined by the law.
Office has a very successful cooperation with all domestic institutions which deal with IP. Cooperation is primarily intensive with Universities and R&D institutions, business support institutions and with IPR enforcement institutions.

Business Innovation Centre (BICKG), Kragujevac, Serbia, (www.bickg.rs). BIC was founded in 2008. by the City of Kragujevac, Regional Chamber of Commerce Kragujevac, Regional Agency for Economic Development of Šumadija and Pomoravlje, Association of Private Entrepreneurs "Šumadija" and General Association of Entrepreneurs "Sloga", as an economic development tool designed to help innovative young entrepreneurs and start-up enterprises from the local community. This coalition of forces allows BIC to provide invaluable services and benefits to its tenant companies and SME sector in general. The purpose of BIC is to produce successful firms that will leave the incubation program financially viable and freestanding, creating jobs, commercializing innovative new technologies and strengthening local and national economy. Through targeted services package BIC offers a unique opportunity for innovative ventures from the early stage of business development until the graduation stage of growth. BIC foster cooperation with the University and student organizations especially in developing new programs, transfer of knowledge and networking, business skills trainings and provision of space and mentorship during internship programs for students and graduates.

Business Technology Incubator of Technical Faculties (BITF), Belgrade, Serbia, (www.bitf.rs). BITF was established as partnership between four technical faculties of the University of Belgrade (Civil Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical and Technological/Metallurgical), the Municipality of Palilula and the Democratic Transition Initiative. The project was supported by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe based on an international experiences and best practice examples.
Through its activities:
- To encourage and support young and educated people in starting up their own business and to keep them in Serbia
- To create the conditions for commercialization of the results obtained through science and research activities of university professors and their associates, by spinning of private enterprises
- To facilitate the creation of new Hi-Tech SMEs

Business Incubator Novi Sad (BINS), Serbia, (www.inkubator.biz). A Business incubator is considered an adequate space for the development of new entrepreneurial enterprises. The goal of the incubator is to speed up the development of new product/service and to increase the chances of market success for its users by helping them to turn an entrepreneurial idea into a successful business model. The incubator offers its users office space, administrative, consulting and mentoring services under preferential conditions. The goal of the Business incubator Novi Sad is to help entrepreneurs possessing ideas in the area of information technology and creative industries and transfer them into a successful business concept. The idea of the Business incubator in Novi Sad is an institutionalized continuation of faculty desires to create new values by developing new products and services, with the help of knowledge generated at the faculty itself. Apart from the office, conference and common rooms, start-up companies have at their disposal consultants to lead them through the process of creating a new product offering them knowledge and advice in the area of marketing, sales and finances.

Intranea Solutions (INT), Serbia , (www.intranea.com). Intranea solutions is a modern technology firm operating in the field of innovation management. It develops and implements it’s original product – DataStation Innovation Cloud, a complete innovation cycle management SaaS.
Key aspects of their activities are:
•   Improving organizational idea capturing and collaboration methods, together with new product/service/business development practices, project prioritisation, workflow, approval  and decision making processes.
•   Assessing innovation strategy, aligning priorities and stakeholders, introducing software services and tools to companies’ daily operations.
•   Cooperating with Enginexx bvba, an EU innovation company, Stage-Gate Institute Toronto, as well as number of independent European innovation experts and innovation consultancy firms with large experience, providing maximum organizational value delivered through a combination of highly skilled consulting services and proven collaborative tools.

Belgrade Metropolitan University (BMU), Belgrade, Serbia, (www.metropolitan.edu.rs). Belgrade Metropolitan University aims to become innovative and entrepreneurial University. Its role is not only to provide education and research missions, but also the third mission: support of entrepreneurship of its students and their faculties by developing new ideas into innovative products, especially in area of IT.  This mission BMU is realizing with close cooperation with IT companies, especially in software development. Few business models have been developed so far to support different needs of BMU partner companies.
BMU is an integrated university consisting of three faculties, which do not have the status of separate legal entities. Every year BMU enrols 350-400 new students in area of computing, business management and digital arts. BMU offers BSc programs in information technology, software engineering, information systems, game development, operations management, business and marketing, graphic design, design of interactive media and fashion design.