Table 2016/2017

Home / PROJECT RESULTS / Table 2016/2017

2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019
WPNo.ActivitiesAct. leader20162017
WP1 led by SUNP 1.1 Analysis of EU policies and legal frameworks for establishing the third mission of universities  IST                        
1.2 Policy seminar on the third mission of universities  UM                        
1.3 Analysis of strategies and laws in the Republic of Serbia supporting the development of the third mission  MEST                        
1.4 Analysis of the regulatory documents and existing structures for all three dimensions of third mission activities at seven Serbian HEIs  UBG                        
1.5 Benchmarking analysis and recommendations  BMU                        
WP2 led by BMU 2.1 Consensus meetings on revision of legal framework and polices in Republic of Serbia UNI                        
2.2 Development of new policies and law amendments for establishing the third mission of Serbian universities  MEST                
2.3 Development of new and modification of existing universities’ regulatory documents in compliance with new policies and law amendments  UNS        
2.4 Capacity building programme for university staff (managers, trainers, administrators) for implementation of the new legal framework for the third mission  SUNP          
2.5 Development and publication of Operational manual for implementation of the third mission with recommendations to faculties/institutes/high schools UM         X
2.6 Elaboration of Final report on implementation of third mission activities and their impact in Serbia  BMU                        
WP3 led by UNS 3.1 Setting-up five new and upgrading two existing INNO platforms for innovation management at seven Serbian HEIs  INT        
3.2 Trainings for INNO platforms’ users  INT X X        
3.3 Five two-day Workshops “Methodology guide for innovation”  UBG              
3.4 National competition for (BSc, MSc, PhD) best ideas of students  UNS     X
3.5 Improving TRL level through implementation of proof-of-concept programme for selected research ideas  UKG       X
3.6 IP valuation and commercialization strategy for selected research teams  IST          
WP4 led by DUK 4.1 Defining integrative university approach in continuing education dimension Uniba          
4.2 Development and delivery of training on IP management  IPOS     X X X      
4.3 Development and delivery of training on market strategy  UBG     X X X      
4.4 Development and delivery of start-up training  BINS     X X X      
4.5 Improving the faculties’ study programmes including entrepreneurship and IP management topics  IPOS         X    
4.6 Final assessment of continuing education activities and follow up recommendations  SUNP                
WP5 led by UoB 5.1 Defining universities’ social engagement plans  UNS  OX OX   OX OX             
5.2 Establishing of five Creativity Centers in Serbia  UoB
5.3 Development and delivery workshops on entrepreneurship and creative thinking for pupils and students  BITF              
5.4 Non-discipline volunteering by students  BICKG             X    
5.5 Unlocking and mobilizing university resources to society and enterprises needs  UNI          
5.6 Open-innovation campaigns on INNO platforms in collaboration with enterprises  UNS            
WP6 led by UNI 6.1 Developing quality control and monitoring manual  UKG                        
6.2 Defining metrics for third mission activities DUK      
6.3 Internal project monitoring UKG
6.4 Monitoring metrics for third mission activities  SUNP                    
WP7 led by UBG 7.1 Elaboration of Dissemination and exploitation plan  UNI                        
7.2 Design of the project visual identity  UKG X                    
7.3 Design and upgrade the project web site  UKG
7.4 Defining institutional policies to promote university third mission dimensions and activities  Uniba X  X       X    
7.5 Good practices on Technology transfer and Innovation activities at Serbian universities  TCAS                   X  
7.6 10 Info days and other raising awareness events  UNI      
7.7 Final Conference on university third mission  UBG                        
WP8 led by UKG 8.1 Elaboration of Manual for contractual and financial management  UKG                        
8.2 Overall project management  UKG
8.3 Local project management  SUNP
8.4 Steering Committee meetings  UKG                    
8.5 Reporting  UKG                  

Legend: Activities O - carried out in the EU or Candidate Country, X - carried out in the Partner Country

      -  Completed on time         -  In progress         -  Overdue