An interactive workshop "Video Game Development in Unity Platform - Ruby’s Adventure 2D RPG Project" was organised at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš on Monday, June 10th 2019. The interactive workshop was held by Miloš Krstić, Senior Android & Unity Developer at the video game development company Peaksel from Niš.

The workshop was intended for everyone who wanted to learn how to develop a video game and to try / practice using the program Unity. Participants in the workshop were able to perform certain tasks simultaneously with the lecturer, try different options and participate in the video game development project. During the workshop, participants could ask the lecturer questions. At the end of the workshop, all participants received additional material for practicing and further improving their Unity skills.

The lecture covered the following Unity 2D Basics - Options & Tools:

  • Unity Editor Interface
  • Game Objects, Scripts & User Input
  • Tilemaps
  • Prefabs & Sorting Order
  • Object Interactions - Colliders & Collision Detection
  • Animator & Animations
  • Canvas & UI
  • Audio in Game
  • Particles
  • Android Build Process

In addition to students, secondary school students were also present at the workshop, which confirms that video game development is a current topic, attractive to young fellow citizens.

At the end of the workshop, participants were treated to sweets, marking the celebration of a very successful first, spring season of the Creative Center. Thereby, students who participated in the National Final Competition for the Best Student Idea received symbolic presents, as a token of gratitude for noticeable contribution to the work of Creative Center. Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš will continue developing creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit of students, pupils and fellow citizens, with a lot of current topics and interesting speakers at visiting lectures and workshops coming in autumn.

List of participants