Home / / Creativity center of the State university of Novi Pazar
Creativity Centre of the State University of Novi Pazar is separate space dedicated for students. This unconventional, modern and student owned and run space is center of innovation on University. Students here have the opportunity to develop and implement their creative and innovative ideas. Creativity Center provide support to students in form of trainings and access to modern IT equipment (Computers, 3D scanner, 3D printer and CNC machines}. This equipment is available for to development and creation of models and prototypes of innovative products.
Promotional activities
Modelling of the Novi Pazar city Centre
Model of Novi Pazar is developed for Tourist organisation of Novi Pazar. Model of the centre is done in 1:1500 ratio, dimensions of the model are 200x150 cm. All historical monuments and other PoI in centre are carefully presented and bar codes are added to each important PoI with detailed information about each. Model was completed in 21 days, students spend 210 working hours.
Info day organised at the State University of Novi Pazar
After start of the Competition for the best student idea Info day for prospective competition participants was organised on SUNP in cooperation with Students Parliament of SUNP. During Info day students were introduced on importance of promotion of entrepreneurial culture, encouraging of creativity development, team spirit and founding of spin off and start-up companies. Methodology, milestones and competition details were explained to students and Inno platform was presented.
Workshops and trainings
Work Shop “With creative thinking to a lot of ideas and potential innovation” –Second training
Concept of idea, and development of this concept in to fully developed innovation is one of the main objectives of IF4TM project. Students involved in to Competition for best students idea had opportunity to be introduced on Work shop with concepts and path development from creative thinking up to potential innovation.
Work Shop “With creative thinking to a lot of ideas and potential innovation” –First training
Concept of idea, and development of this concept in to fully developed innovation is one of the main objectives of IF4TM project. Students involved in to Competition for best students idea had opportunity to be introduced on Work shop with concepts and path development from creative thinking up to potential innovation.
Workshop „Poslovi za 5“
Creative center organized Workshop „Poslovi za 5“. Workshop covered modern job opportunities in Public Relations, Human resources and Information technologies. Students have chance to hear how to emerge as PR manager for international company. Students had opportunity to hear firsthand experiences from managers of international and national companies.
Modelling resources of Creativity Centre
Creativity centre of State University of Novi Pazar organised event on Modelling resources of Creativity Centre. Event was aimed toward students of architecture, constructive engineering, and opened to all other students. On the event 3D modelling, 3D scanning and engraving equipment was presented. All equipment was purchased as part of the project implementation and it is in use in Creativity Centre. Training was organised on interactive way and students could use equipment to develop and print models.
Workshop on development of Business model for PoC team
HEISPS team had meeting with representatives of department for Economy doc. Dr Ernad Kahrovic. They were introduced with concepts of preparation of marketing strategy and development of the business plan based on CANVAS method. With concepts of entrepreneurship, innovation, start-up company, as a way of determining a business model Other concepts of business model validation, environment chart, business model chart as well as value chart will be introduced to team during development of marketing plan and business model.
Pictures of the center
Awards ceremony for the winning student teams within the Open Innovation Campaign
(12.06.2019)Interactive Workshop "Video Game Development in Unity Platform - Ruby’s Adventure 2D RPG Project" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš
(11.06.2019)Visiting Lecture "How to Position Products & Services on the Market Using Digital Marketing" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš
(07.06.2019)The National Final Competition for best student idea for 2019
(03.06.2019)Visiting Lecture "Experience & Challenges in Practical Application of Agile Methodologies & Scrum" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš