Creativity center of the University of Novi Sad

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Workshops and trainings

Workshop "Creative Problem Solving" held at University of Novi Sad
The work package 5 (social engagement dimension) within project IF4TM includes activity 5.3 that consists of several workshops intended to be held at HEIs on entrepreneurship and creative thinking for pupils and students. At the University of Novi Sad, in cooperation with colleagues from the University of Brighton, a workshop titled "Creative Problem Solving" was held. The workshop was attended by 23 people.

Creative training for working on 3D printer, 3D scanner and 3D pens – 3rd part - University of Novi Sad
The third phase of the training involved testing of the produced microfluid chips on the characterization equipment
- Preparation of chips for testing
- Setting up the equipment and setting up the complete aparature
- Testing microfluidic devices

Creative training for working on 3D printer, 3D scanner and 3D pens – 2nd part - University of Novi Sad
The second phase of the training meant practical work on the devices: 
1. Designing 3D models of microfluidic chips in the AutoCAD program
2. Designing prototypes on 3D
3. Correction of minor errors in fabrication using a 3d pen

Creative training for working on 3D printer, 3D scanner and 3D pens – 1st part - University of Novi Sad
The aim of the training was to get acquainted with the basic settings and capabilities of 3D devices that were purchased within the project. The participants had the opportunity, after the basic instructions, to set up their own 3d printer, 3d pen and 3d scanner. Each participant has done the adjustment for each instrument alone.

Workshop "With creative thinking on a lot of ideas and potential innovation" held in the Creativity center of the University of Novi Sad
The work package 5 (social engagement dimension) within project IF4TM includes activity 5.3 that consists of several workshops intended to be held at HEIs on entrepreneurship and creative thinking for pupils and students. The presentation was organized at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences. Prof. Dr. Marjan Leber from University of Maribor, Slovenia.