Defining universities’ social engagement plans

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D5.1 Elaboration of guidelines for development of individual social engagement plans for Serbian HEIs - 2nd draft version
From their establishment,universities have been the centers of education and research. These two fields are known as first mission and second mission of universities or HEIs. These two missions have been naturally grown, bearing in mind thatHEIs represent the extraordinary concentration of human resources, but also impressive infrastructural resources such as libraries, laboratories, sports facilities, etc., which should be open for wider community. Consequently, in recent period universities have adapted and articulated its role in the social, cultural and economic development of the wider society and have tried to improve the visibility of university activities focused on services to society and industry. This is called the “third mission” of universities and this activity is a vitally important component of any university’s role. The “third mission” is not a separate mission, it is more synergically connected with two others in order to improve HEIs’ contribution to society.

 Individual social engagement plan for University of Kragujevac

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