Development and delivery of training on market strategy

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Training on Market Strategy held at University of Novi Sad - 2018
The training on Market Strategy was organized with aim to train participants of the Competition for best student ideas on how to bring their ideas to the market and which tools and mechanisms to use in the process.

Training on Market Strategy held at State university of Novi Pazar - 2018
The training on Market Strategy was organized with aim to train participants of the Competition for best student ideas on how to bring their ideas to the market and which tools and mechanisms to use in the process.

Training on Market Strategy held at Technical College of Applied  Sciences in Zrenjanin - 2018
The training on Market Strategy was organized with aim to train participants of the Competition for best student ideas on how to bring their ideas to the market and which tools and mechanisms to use in the process.

Training on Market Strategy held at University of Nis - 2018
The training on Market Strategy was organized with aim to train participants of the Competition for best student ideas on how to bring their ideas to the market and which tools and mechanisms to use in the process.

Training on Market Strategy held at University of Kragujevac - 2018
The training on Market Strategy was organized at the University of Kragujevac on May 23, 2018. The aim was to train participants of the Competition for best student ideas on how to bring their ideas to the market and which tools and mechanisms to use in the process.
Training on Market Strategy held at University of Belgrade - 2018
The training on Market Strategy was organized with aim to train participants of the Competition for best student ideas on how to bring their ideas to the market and which tools and mechanisms to use in the process.

Training on Market Strategy held at State University of Novi Pazar
Trainings on the market strategy is organised for researchers, students, competition participants and NGOs at SUNP. Set of these trainings is delivered within the competition for best student ideas.
Trainees were introduced with concepts of the marketing and creation of additional value for consumers. 

Training on Market Strategy held at University of Belgrade
Trainings on the market strategy is organised for researchers, students and competition participants at Belgrade University. Set of these trainings is delivered within the competition for best student ideas.  Training had two sections: theoretical part and workshop.  

Training on Market Strategy held at University of Novi Sad
The WP4 (continuing education dimension) within the project IF4TM includes activity 4.3 that consists of five one-day trainings intended to be held at HEIs on “Market Strategy”. The aim of the training is to present the concepts of the marketing and creation of additional value for consumers. In the addition, participants were introduced to the marketing environment and market strategy and how to manage marketing and offer of products or services. 

Training on Market Strategy held at University of Nis
In the scope of project IF4TM activity 4.3 consists of five one-day trainings intended to be held at HEIs on “Market Strategy”. The training at UNI was organized 07th June 2017, and it covered concepts of the marketing and creation of additional value for consumers, marketing environment, market strategy and how to manage marketing and offer of products or services. On the second part on the training competing teams for the best student idea presented their ideas and were provided with consulting how to develop presentation techniques.

Training on Market Strategy held at University of Kragujevac
The training on Market Strategy was held at the University of Kragujevac, on 26th May 2017.

The training covered the topics of marketing concept and creating the value for consumers, market environment and strategy, as well as management of market and offer (instruments for marketing mix).