Elaboration of Dissemination and exploitation plan

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D7.1 Dissemination and exploitation plan
The purpose of this document is to define strategy for dissemination and exploitation activities, tools, target groups to be addressed, visibility requirements, overall dissemination calendar with all the details regarding singular dissemination events as well as to propose the list of key results that could be exploited and multiplied after the project. It is very important to have such a document from the very beginning of the project and to update it regularly, with the consent of all partners.

Plan for additional dissemination activities in 2016

The aim of this document is to gather information on additional activities related to project dissemination for each Serbian project partner for 2016.
Additional dissemination activities are divided into three groups (three separate tables):

Events – events to be used for the promotion of the project (they can be organized by the partner itself and by any other institution).
Media (external) – promotion of the project in media, both traditional (TV, newspapers, magazines, etc.) and interactive ones (forums, blogs, web pages, social networks, bulletins).
Media (internal) – media directly controlled by the project partners (promotion of the project on web pages, social networks, bulletins and magazines published by project partners).