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Third training for participants in competition for best student idea - University of Kragujevac

Within the competition for best student idea, the third training for students was organized in Business Innovation Centre Kragujevac, on 09th May 2018.

The topic of the training was financial aspects of start-ups and mechanisms to support the development of ideas through available sources of financing. 


Third and fourth training for participants in competition for best student idea - State University of Novi Pazar

The second day of training was dedicated to financial aspects of a business idea. Students were thoroughly introduced to the concept, structure and types of expenses, income models, sources of start-up company financing, balance sheet and profit and loss account. Emphasis was put on preparing reports on monetary course, as a difference between cash inflow and cash outflow.


First and second training for participants in competition for best student idea - State University of Novi Pazar

On the first day of training course, students were presented with the concept of entrepreneurship, innovation, start-up company, as a way of determining a business model. Business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers and captures value. 


Meeting with representatives of Innovation Fund

Оn 8th May 2018, a meeting of IF4TM project team from University of Kragujevac and representatives of Technology Transfer Facility program of Serbian Innovation Fund was held in the Collaborative Training Center of University of Kragujevac.


Training sessions on Business Theatre event

The capacity building training on the project IF4TM was organized within the event “Business theatre”, organized by UBG team with the help of Marketing Workshop student organization and Start up Center of the Facutly of Economics of University of Belgrade. Dr. Jelena Filipovic gave lectures on presentation skills and evaluated business ideas on group training aimed at promoting of the enterpreneurship.


Ten research teams selected for the support within the first call of PoC Program

After the reviewing phase, based on the evaluation of the expert reviewers and the members of the Evaluation Committee, ten research teams were selected for the support within the PoC Program.


Second training for participants in competition for best student idea - University of Kragujevac

The training Validation of Business Model is the second of four modules for participants of the Competition where students had an opportunity build their knowledge on concepts of business model based on the Canvas method. They were introduced to the elements of the business model to be applied on their business ideas such as competitive value, market, customers relations, resources, etc.


Capacity Building Training held at the State university of Novi Pazar

The purpose of the meeting was to present project results produced during development of new legal documents and rules on national and institutional level to SUNP management structures. Main result would be clean and easy implementation of those newly developed rules on all SUNP levels.


Third and fourth training for participants in competition for best student idea - University Metropolitan Belgrade

The second day of the training was intended for start-up financing and pitch presenting. Start-up financing was presented through standard financing methods like retail, e-sale and subscription and through lean financing method, also one method of cashflow forecasting was presented.