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On the first day of the training, students were familiarized with developing of business model and why it is so important to choose appropriate business model for a start-up company, students also got familiar with a canvas business model as a method for developing a successful business model.
The second training was held on 19 April 2018 at TCAS. The students presented their idea using all nine parts of the Canvas model and were given suggestions how to improve it.
As part of the Competition for the best student idea, the first training for students of University of Kragujevac was organized in Business Innovation Centre on 11th April 2018.
The first training was organized on 10 April 2018 at TCAS. The students were familiarized with the four topics that would be covered during trainings.
First phase of the Competition for best student ideas 2018 was completed. The total of 54 teams submitted their ideas through Student INNO platform.
The second phase was initiated and all participants in the Competition will have the opportunity to develop proposed ideas through the set of start-up trainings.
The Competition for the best student idea is going to be organized for the second year in a row. Wishing to familiarize our students with the important information about the competition, but also with the project itself, this year again we organized the Info day on Tuesday March 20th , 2018. We invited all students interested in taking part in the competition as well as those who had already sent their application. The students were given data about the project objective and partners and the special attention was given to the rules of the competition, trainings and the tasks which the competitors would be expected to fulfil.
Promotion of the Competition for the best student idea has been organized in this year too, upon the date when call was published. For that purposes, besides the communication of information through various electronic media, two Info days were organized.
At the University of Nis 20.03.2018. Info day was held in order to promote competition for the best student idea. Students got familiar with the project IF4TM, its goals and activities. A competition for the best student idea was promoted, its activities, regulations and time line of the competition. We also presented a platform for organizing activities. Interested students registered on-site for the competition.
he Competition for the best student idea is going to be organized for the second year in a row. Wishing to familiarize our students with the important information about the competition, but also with the project itself, this year again we organized the Info day on Tuesday March 20th , 2018. We invited all students interested in taking part in the competition as well as those who had already sent their application. The students were given data about the project objective and partners and the special attention was given to the rules of the competition, trainings and the tasks which the competitors would be expected to fulfil.
On Monday, 19th of March, at Belgrade Metropolitan University was held info day about the competition for the best students’ idea. The main objective of this event was to present the whole competition and its importance in developing University’s third mission.
Awards ceremony for the winning student teams within the Open Innovation Campaign
(12.06.2019)Interactive Workshop "Video Game Development in Unity Platform - Ruby’s Adventure 2D RPG Project" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš
(11.06.2019)Visiting Lecture "How to Position Products & Services on the Market Using Digital Marketing" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš
(07.06.2019)The National Final Competition for best student idea for 2019
(03.06.2019)Visiting Lecture "Experience & Challenges in Practical Application of Agile Methodologies & Scrum" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš