Consensus meeting on revision of legal framework and polices in Republic of Serbia within the IF4TM project was held at University of Nis, as partner institution, on September 8th. The aim of the meeting was to have open discussion (based on the benchmarking results) of relevant stakeholders (representatives of faculties, industry, SMEs, clusters and associations of enterprises, regional development organisations) on further development activities.
The participants of the meeting were first welcomed by Rector Prof. Dr. Dragan Antić, leader of Nis project team, and Prof. Dr. Vesna Mandić, project coordinator. Professor Mandić then had a short presentation of IF4TM project after which chairman of workgroups presented results and recommendations in all three dimensions of third mission: Prof. Dr. Mandić in Technology transfer and innovation, Prof. Dr. Miladin Kostić in Continuing education, and Prof. Dr. Zoran Nikolić in social Engagement. Presentations were followed by open discussions among the stakeholders present at the meeting. Meeting was concluded by presentation of Prof. Dr. Dragoljub Živković on good practice in cooperation of University of Nis and business partners.
Awards ceremony for the winning student teams within the Open Innovation Campaign
(12.06.2019)Interactive Workshop "Video Game Development in Unity Platform - Ruby’s Adventure 2D RPG Project" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš
(11.06.2019)Visiting Lecture "How to Position Products & Services on the Market Using Digital Marketing" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš
(07.06.2019)The National Final Competition for best student idea for 2019
(03.06.2019)Visiting Lecture "Experience & Challenges in Practical Application of Agile Methodologies & Scrum" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš