The competition for the best student idea was launched on 15th February 2018 at seven higher education institution in Serbia, among which is the University of Kragujevac. Besides other activities related to the promotion of the Competition, the team from University of Kragujevac organized four info days at the Faculty of Engineering (7th, 9th and 13th March) and Faculty of Economics (13th March) in order to inform the students about the competition, the rules for application, evaluation stages, rewards, etc.
The winners of the previous Competitions for best student ideas were also present and they shared their experiences with the presents participants about the benefits they gained by participating in the competition.
List of participants 07.03.2018. - Faculty of Engineering of the University of Kragujevac
List of participants 09.03.2018. - Faculty of Engineering of the University of Kragujevac
List of participants 13.03.2018. - Faculty of Engineering of the University of Kragujevac
List of participants 13.03.2018. - Faculty of Economics of the University of Kragujevac
Awards ceremony for the winning student teams within the Open Innovation Campaign
(12.06.2019)Interactive Workshop "Video Game Development in Unity Platform - Ruby’s Adventure 2D RPG Project" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš
(11.06.2019)Visiting Lecture "How to Position Products & Services on the Market Using Digital Marketing" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš
(07.06.2019)The National Final Competition for best student idea for 2019
(03.06.2019)Visiting Lecture "Experience & Challenges in Practical Application of Agile Methodologies & Scrum" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš