Info day “Young Entrepreneur” was organized on November 20th, 2017 in the Rectorate Hall of University of Kragujevac. The event was organized in cooperation with the Business Forum Association (supported by Ministry of youth and sports of the Republic of Serbia).

The Info day was designed to boost entrepreneurial spirit of students from University of Kragujevac. The event was opened by the guest lecturer from the Business Forum Association, Ms Marijana Marinkovic who presented the opportunities and benefits of entrepreneurial ventures for young people.

On behalf of University of Kragujevac, Jelena Jevtovic (IF4TM project member) held a presentation on the activities and support that University provides for its students for development of their ideas, business ventures and improvement of skills and capacities for entrepreneurship, such as:

• The Competition for best student ideas
 Start-up Trainings
• Creativity Centres
• Technology transfer centre
• Open Innovation Campaign

Participants had also the chance to learn more about the examples of best practice for student entrepreneurial venture from Popularity Wolves (winners of local Competition for best student idea at the University of Kragujevac) and QPO soft (start-up from Business Innovation Centre), as well as the support they can get from university’s partner Business Innovation Centre.

List of participants