Within the ongoing project activities and process of forming work groups that in the following period of project realization will be engaged in the development of all three dimensions of the third mission at universities in Serbia, on Tuesday, 2 August 2016, the meeting was held in the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Kragujevac. The participants of the meeting were:

  • Prof. Dr. Vesna Mandic, IF4TM Project Coordinator

  • Predrag Lučić, President of the Regional Chamber of Commerce

  • Saša Ćurčić, Project Manager at Regional Chamber of Commerce

  • Ivan Vićevac, Agency for promotion of investments and support to business in Central Serbia

At the meeting, the IF4TM project was presented by Prof. Mandic, while the latest activities of the Regional Chamber of Commerce related to the establishment of Centre for small business were presented by Chamber’s President Mr. Lucic. After these initial presentations, the discussion was opened on the realization of IF4TM project activities, particularly the cooperation with Creative Center and launching of open innovation campaigns.

It was agreed that the representative of Work Group 3 responsible for social engagement would be Mr. Sasa Curcic, Project Manager at Regional Chamber of Commerce.

During the meeting, the Chamber of Commerce representatives expressed their interest to support other activities as well that lead to the development of entrepreneurship and strengthening of cooperation between university and enterprises, particularly as support to the development of their competitiveness and innovativeness.