During two-day meeting and demonstration classes, the colleagues from Creativity Center of UNI have been introduced to Gazepoint equipment and Virtual Reality sets – software and hardware, which are the equipment of Creativity centre of UBG. The users of CC of UNI got an opportunity to try on these pieces of equipment and to evaluate if their users would like to have them permanently on their disposal. It resulted in their decision to purchase VR sets for their CC in the coming period.

Possibilities of further research projects between UNI and UBG have been discussed, with a particular focus on the mutual/joint use of equipment available only at one of the Creativity centres. Moreover, the process of commercialization of PoC idea of UNI was discussed.

Tokom dvodnevnog skupa i demonstracionih časova, kolege iz Kreativnog centra UNI-a upoznati su sa Gazepoint opremom i setovima virtuelne realnosti - softverom i hardverom, koji su oprema Kreativnog centra UBG-a. Korisnici KC UNI-a dobili su priliku da isprobaju ove komade opreme i procene da li bi njihovi korisnici želeli da ih trajno imaju na raspolaganju. To je rezultiralo njihovom odlukom da u narednom periodu nabave VR setove za svoj KC.

Razgovaralo se o mogućnostima daljih istraživačkih projekata između UNI-a i UBG-a, sa posebnim fokusom na zajedničku upotrebu opreme koja je dostupna samo u jednom od kreativnih centara. Osim toga, diskutovan je proces komercijalizacije PoC ideje UNI.

List of participants 09.04.2019.
List of participants 11.04.2019.