A promotional meeting with students and teachers of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences was organized at the Creativity Center of the University of Kragujevac on April 1, 2019, on the occasion of launched open innovation campaign within IF4TM project and the announced call for the student teams.

Project Coordinator Prof. dr Vesna Mandić and assistant professor Mina Vasković Jovanović presented three challenges that were defined by ELPLANT, PROENERGY and EXTENT companies, within the Open innovation campaign, to the students of the III and IV year of the study program Computer Technology and Software Engineering.

Students expressed interest in participating in the OI campaign and announced the formation of teams for development of possible solutions for defined challenges. A discussion followed about the rules of this type of competition, and the next meeting with representatives of companies was agreed for April 15, 2019.

Attendance list 01.04.2019.