In the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, on 18th May 2018, a presentation of selected research projects within the PoC program was organized. The leading researchers of 10 selected research teams presented their PoC projects to the members of Evaluation Committee:
The purpose of presentations was to discuss and propose the mechanisms of support to selected PoC projects within the IF4TM project and pilot phase of PoC Program, based on the support actions suggested by PoC projects researchers in their applications.
Based on the recommendations of the PoC Evaluation Committee agreed on the meeting, the contact person of each host institution of PoC program will give the final approval of the type, scope and value of support to be provided for their PoC teams in the next period.
List of participants
Awards ceremony for the winning student teams within the Open Innovation Campaign
(12.06.2019)Interactive Workshop "Video Game Development in Unity Platform - Ruby’s Adventure 2D RPG Project" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš
(11.06.2019)Visiting Lecture "How to Position Products & Services on the Market Using Digital Marketing" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš
(07.06.2019)The National Final Competition for best student idea for 2019
(03.06.2019)Visiting Lecture "Experience & Challenges in Practical Application of Agile Methodologies & Scrum" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš