In the framework of realization of PoC projects and support to selected research teams from Serbia in raising TRL levels (act.3.5 and act3.6), prof. Marjan Leber from the University of Maribor (the term related to the 6th SCM) visited professors and research groups at the University of Niš and Novi Sad. We examined the status of selected project applications and found that additional research and assistance from EU project partners research laboratories are needed. Prof. Leber provided information on research laboratories at the University of Maribor and presented ways to introduce innovations to the market and strategic decisions when innovation is sensible to patent.
Agenda UNS
Agenda UNI
List of participants UNS
List of participants UNI
Awards ceremony for the winning student teams within the Open Innovation Campaign
(12.06.2019)Interactive Workshop "Video Game Development in Unity Platform - Ruby’s Adventure 2D RPG Project" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš
(11.06.2019)Visiting Lecture "How to Position Products & Services on the Market Using Digital Marketing" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš
(07.06.2019)The National Final Competition for best student idea for 2019
(03.06.2019)Visiting Lecture "Experience & Challenges in Practical Application of Agile Methodologies & Scrum" at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš