In the framework of the IF4TM, the competition for the best ideas of students is organized at higher education institutions, members of the consortium.
At the University of Novi Sad, 26 ideas was submitted for the 2019 competition. Students’ teams were trained in different aspects of business model preparation followed CANVAS model.
Each idea was evaluated by three reviewers and the best 9 teams were selected for local final which was held on 09.05.2015, at the Amphitheatre, Rectorate Building, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia. Actully ten team selected, by one team ZAPP decided to quit.
The nine the best ideas and names of the teams are: Green amber – Novosadski mini golf, IT farmer – IT progression, Knjiga prica – Knjiga prica.com, Leptir – Respiratorna kanta, No woman no cry - Rasurgam, Revolucionare - MatematikaKaze, Safe on - MILD, Seat me – Seat me, Supergirls of science - BioHidroFertilyzer.
According to the methodology, the members of the Jury on this final was:
(1) Dr. Milica Pojić, Institute of Food Technology, UNS;
(2) Prof. Dr Goran Stojanović, Faculty of Technical Sciences, UNS;
(3) Prof. Dr Ivan Ignjantović - Vice-Rector Faculty of Civil Engineering, UBG;
(4) Dr Stevan Stankovski, CAM Engineering company, Novi Sad;
(2) Dr Nikola Lečić – IGB Automotive company, Indjija.
After presentations of all teams and after calculations of the marks from Jury members (60%) and from previously evaluated Business plan (40 %) three the best teams were awarded with valuable awards:
(1) Team “Supergirls of science” with idea “BioHidroFertilyzer” (84.35) – 70.000,00 RSD;
(2) Team “Knjiga prica” with idea “Knjiga prica.com” (76.99) – 50.000,00 RSD;
(3) Team Rasugram with idea “No woman no cry” (76.62) – 30.000,00 RSD.
The sponsor of awards for this year competition was the Provincial secretariat for higher education and scientific research.
The complete final of this competition was held in excellent and creative atmosphere of young people and all teams had excellent presentation and performance at this local final.
The first two teams will participate at the National Competition to be held in the Scientific and Technological Park in Belgrade.
Awards ceremony for the winning student teams within the Open Innovation Campaign
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