The Danube Rectors Conference was organized at Danube University Krems in Austria in the period 9-11 November 2016. The conference gathered many eminent experts who shared their experiences and views regarding the development of Danube Region.

The most interesting part for the representatives of Serbian higher education institutions was the panel dedicated to higher education and lifelong learning, as well as cooperation’s and initiatives of science and economy in knowledge based society, which is directly linked to the initiatives and activities dealt with by IF4TM project.

Apart from the participation in the Conference, the IF4TM project partners organized the project meeting where they discussed about the implementation of project activities, establishing of Creativity Centers, provisions and implementation of Partnership Agreements (with emphasis on Annex II) as well as forming of the HEIs’ internal teams for the activities related to the development of new and modification of existing regulatory documents and procedures at institutional level. 

List of participants 09.11.2016.
List of participants 10.11.2016. 
List of participants 11.11.2016. 