In the framework of realization of PoC projects and support to selected research teams from Serbia in raising TRL levels (act.3.5 and act3.6), a visit to the University of Maribor took place in the period from 17 to 20 June 2018. On that occasion, the members of the project teams of the following PoC projects:

  1. Molecular sensor for malignancy screening, Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, University of Belgrade
  2. Torque Sensor based on Magnetomechanical Effect in Commercial Steel, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Cacak

had the opportunity to visit complementary laboratories and centers at the university, to establish collaboration with their researchers and staff, as well as to learn about ways of protecting intellectual property and technology transfer, through several meetings held in:

  1. Laboratory for material transformation
  2. Laboratory for applied electromagnetics
  3. Laboratory of electrical machines
  4. Laboratory for production and operations management
  5. Laboratory for rapid prototyping
  6. Center for technology transfer
  7. Start:up Maribor and Venture Factory, Tovarna podjetov Maribor
  8. TechnoCenter of the University of Maribor 

List of participants