The WP3 Technology Transfer and Innovation Dimension within project IF4TM includes activity 3.3 Five two-day Workshops “Methodology guide for innovation”. This workshop was the last one organized in a series of workshops organized on other Serbian HEIs – partners in the project.
The introduction of the workshop was dedicated to the review of the project WPs and activities implemented so far followed by the topics mentioned in the Agenda.
The invitation letters were sent ten days in advance and the invitees were the TCAS teachers and students, the teachers of the Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin” Zrenjanin, Chamber of Commerce Zrenjanin, Business Incubator Zrenjanin, Regional Agency for Socio-Economic Development Banat, Startit Center Zrenjanin and the City Administration Office.
The event was organized in the premises of TCAS. There were four lecturers on the first day with 19 attendees and four lecturers on the second day (including one presentation via Skype) with 18 attendees: students and teachers of TCAS, teachers from the Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin” Zrenjanin, a representative of the Maintenance Department of the General Hospital Zrenjanin, a representative of a local public enterprise and one retired engineer still active and involved in innovation processes.
The attendees took part in the discussions especially regarding Innovation Modeling and Intellectual Property Protection.
All lecturers emphasized their satisfaction with the workshop organization, audience structure and awareness and debates. The satisfaction of the audience was measured through the questionnaire and its results will be processed and presented to the lecturers timely.
List of participants 06.04.2017.
List of participants 07.04.2017.
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