On the beginning of the meeting prof. dr Dragan Antic, rector of the University of Nis, greeted all attendees and wished successful two-day meeting. He emphasized importance of the development of the third mission of the HEIs, and all accompanying dimensions: technology transfer and innovation, continuous education and social engagement. After that, project coordinator prof. dr Vesna Mandic introduced IF4TM project which is implemented as partnership of 5 European HEI, 6 Serbian HEIs, Ministry of education science and technology development, Office for intellectual property, Higher school of applied studies, three business incubators and one SME.

On the first day of the workshop, prof. dr Vesna Mandic held several presentations and covered issues of basic principles and definitions of innovation and innovation cycle, innovation modeling (market research, analytical design-technical feasibility, detailed design, test and redesign, production, distribution and marketing). Since IF4TM project support innovation processes on HEIs in Serbia, issues of the national legislatives covering innovation and role of HEIs are important part of project. Having that in mind, prof. dr Miladin Kostic gave overview of the place of innovation in new Laws covering higher education and innovation.

Second day of the workshop started with presentation held by Rolland Hummer, who emphasized the relationship between continuing education and innovation. After that, Dragan Vasiljevic presented rules and procedures for protection of intellectual property. Next, prof. dr Dragan Domazet presented existing national models of financing: Innovation fund programs (transfer technology program; Program for cooperation of science and economy), Program of early development (for micro and SME); Balkan venture fund; Ministry of economy program for supporting development of entrepreneurship. He also introduced some new ways of financing innovation like crowd funding, and challenges which innovator from Serbia face when try to use this type of financing. At the end, Jelena Jevtovic presented framework for management of innovation processes in Serbia. She presented university innovative platform for Western Balkans as example of good practice. 

List of participants