Capacity building programme for university staff (managers, trainers, administrators) for implementation of the new legal framework for the third mission

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Report on capacity building programme implementation

Capacity building training - BMU
The purpose of the meeting was to present project results produced during development of new legal documents and rules on national and institutional level to BMU university staff, managers, and administrative staff.

Capacity building training - UNS
The purpose of the meeting was to present project results produced during development of new legal documents and rules on national and institutional level to UNS university staff, managers, and administrative staff. Main result would be clean and easy implementation of those newly developed rules on all UNS levels.

Capacity Building Training - UNI
The purpose of the meeting was to present project results produced during development of new legal documents and rules on national and institutional level to UNI structures. Main result would be clean and easy implementation of those newly developed rules on all UNI levels.

Capacity Building Training - TCAS
The meeting was organized with the new management of TCAS to familiarize them with the project results and the foregoing activities regarding adoption of new internal regulatory documents and amendments of the already adopted ones. The purpose was to define the work groups and their tasks and the deadlines.

Training sessions on Business Theatre event
The capacity building training on the project IF4TM was organized within the event “Business theatre”, organized by UBG team with the help of Marketing Workshop student organization and Start up Center of the Facutly of Economics of University of Belgrade. Dr. Jelena Filipovic gave lectures on presentation skills and evaluated business ideas on group training aimed at promoting of the enterpreneurship.

Capacity building training “WIPO Tools for Intellectual Property for the universities
At the Intellectual Property Office, a partner of the IF4TM project, capacity building training “WIPO Tools for Intellectual Property for the universities” was organized on November  6 and 7, 2018, in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization - WIPO and the Technology Transfer Center of the University of Belgrade. The topic of the training was related to intellectual property management tools at universities developed by WIPO in early 2018 and expected to be publicly announced at the beginning of 2019.

Capacity building training organized by University of Kragujevac
University of Kragujevac, as coordinator of IF4TM project, established the cooperation with Serbian Chambers of Commerce, "Climate-KIC" program and UNPD that resulted in the jointly organized capacity building training "Making and developing business ideas". The training was organized at the premises of Business Innovation Centre Kragujevac, on 7th June 2018. The training was designed for students of all levels, including PhD students (young researchers) at all faculties of University of Kragujevac. 

Capacity Building Training held at the State university of Novi Pazar
The purpose of the meeting was to present project results produced during development of new legal documents and rules on national and institutional level to SUNP management structures. Main result would be clean and easy implementation of those newly developed rules on all SUNP levels.

Capacity building programme “How to Create and Manage Start-ups “
Within the activity Act2.4 Capacity building programme for university staff (managers, trainers, administrators) for implementation of the new legal framework for TM, two project team members from University of Kragujevac (Vladimir Vukadinovic, the director of Technology Transfer Center and Jelena Jevtovic, project associate) participated in the capacity building programme organized on November 13 and 14, 2017 in the Intellectual Property Office in Belgrade.