At the Intellectual Property Office, a partner of the IF4TM project, capacity building training “WIPO Tools for Intellectual Property for the universities” was organized on November  6 and 7, 2018, in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization - WIPO and the Technology Transfer Center of the University of Belgrade. The topic of the training was related to intellectual property management tools at universities developed by WIPO in early 2018 and expected to be publicly announced at the beginning of 2019.

Intellectual Property Tools for Universities are different models for defining intellectual property policies, guidelines for their use and improvement of existing policies as well as models of different contracts used in technology transfer processes. It was emphasized that these materials can be used to build the capacity of academic institutions.

After introductory address by Mr. Vladimir Maric, Director of the Institute, Mr. Sasa Lazovic, Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and Mr. Nenad Zrnic, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation at the University of Belgrade, Ms. Olga Spasic from WIPO presented the tools that were discussed during a two-day seminar.

During the first day of the seminar, the representatives of Serbian universities and institutes presented the state of intellectual property policies in their institutions. In the continuation of the first day, as well as during the second day of the seminar, foreign experts with technology transfer experiences at the University of Boston, Mr. Ashley Stevens from the Focus consulting firm from the USA, as well as Mr. Jan Tomas from the University of Cambridge from the UK, through practical examples gave participants insight into the means of evaluating technology through interviews with inventors, and examples of the application of intellectual property policies at universities.

Seven members of the project team of the IF4TM project participated in a two-day seminar, from the University of Kragujevac, the University of Niš, the State University in Novi Pazar and the Technical College of Zrenjanin. With other participants from different universities and institutes they had opportunities through team work to briefly pass through the first phase of the process of technology transfer through an interview with inventors during the second day of the seminar.


List of participants 6.11.2018.
List of participants 7.11.2018.