Zooming Innovation in Consumer Electronics International Conference 2017 (ZINC 2017), sponsored by IEEE Serbia and Montenegro section and CE chapter and RT-RK department University of Novi Sad, has been held from 31/05/2017 to 01/06/2017 at the Central University Building of the University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia.

The events provides opportunity for researchers and engineers from academia and industry to exchange experience and results on their recent work. This includes but is not limited to all academy and industry members active in the fields of electronics, software engineering, hardware design, consumer applications and devices, new services and platforms, communications and connectivity as well as various enabling technologies and interdisciplinary forms of research with consumer benefit.

Prof. Goran Stojanovic was invited/keynote speaker and he presented topic “Strengthening capacities for financing innovations and research” which is regularly held at the workshops in the framework of the IF4TM project. This event was an excellent opportunity that prof. Stojanovic emphasized the importance of the IF4TM project and its main results, up to now.
