The WP4 within project IF4TM includes activity 4.2 that consists of five one-day trainings intended to be held at HEIs on “IP Protection and IP Management”. The training at UNS was the first in a row and the participants who were targeted were research staff, teaching staff as well as students, especially the ones who participated in Competition for student’s innovation.  Participants were introduced to the IP system and important issues on distinctive signs protection, subject of copyright and trade secrets which are very important in the process of innovation development, prototyping and exchange of ideas.

The patent protection was the central topic that was presented and how to search through patent database as well as through design database. In regard to the IP management at universities, the issue of ownership was discussed. The participants from the student’s teams had a lot of questions in that sense, how to recognize relevant IP right and how to keep subject matter novel when presenting innovation to the potential investors. The search tools were exercised at the end of the first session.

During the second part of the training, IP teaching material was presented and case study on IP Management at university when teacher’s staff discussed them with the lecturers from IPOS.

List of participants