Visit to the Instituto Superior Técnico was organized as three day event , comprising one day consultations between the project leader and local partner; and two day trainings open to registered participants, in the field of transferring best practices from IST to Serbian partners. The first day included discussion on internal project affairs, especially on status of activity 1.1 led by IST, summing up milestones already achieved and projecting further avenues to follow. The meeting was held in the Technology Transfer Office of the Instituto Superior Técnico and it was attended by the listed project members:

  • Prof. Dr. Vesna Mandic, the coordinator of the IF4TM, University of Kragujevac
  • Prof. Dr. Luis Caldas de Oliveira, Vice President of IST for Entrepreneurship and Corporate Relations
  • Dr. Patricia Lima, TTO IST
  • Dr. Carla Patrocinio, TTO IST
  • Dr. Milan Radovanovic, University of Novi Sad

The second day was arranged according to previously agreed agenda and focused on elaboration of the networks that HEIs have built and nurtured within the society, as well as on the innovations that have been created and regulated in that process. The particular value was provided by the hands-on training, showcasing the equipment which has been developed and used in IST laboratories, such as: plasma heater, optical fibres in telecommunication appliances, long distance labs for school children to learn about physics experiments (presented by Prof. Dr. Horacio Fernandes), etc. The closing part of the day consisted of the visit to Fábrica Startups, where project partners had opportunity to learn more about organization of the Creative centres (Act. 5.2), start-ups establishment, co-working space, team dynamics and other matters highly important for the incitement of the entrepreneurial spirit and skills.

  • Prof. Dr. Arlindo Oliveira, President of Instituto Superior Técnico and Prof. Dr. Luis Caldas de Oliveira, Vice President of IST for Entrepreneurship and Corporate Relations, gave a welcome speech
  • Prof. Dr. Vera Dondur, State secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia gave also welcome speech and presented activities within the Ministry relevant for the project
  • Prof. Dr. Vesna Mandic, the IF4TM project coordinator presented briefly the IF4TM project and its objectives
  • Prof. Dr. Luis Caldas de Oliveira, Vice President of IST for Entrepreneurship and Corporate Relations gave a presentation on the Portuguese HEI and the Innovation Ecosystem; and initiated a discussion on the role of innovation in nowadays society and the role of HEIs in that process
  • Dr. Patricia Lima, Intellectual Property Unit of the Technology Transfer Office, explained how intellectual property is regulated by the IST, with a specific focus on innovations and inventions created by the IST lecturers and students
  • Dr. Carla Patrocínio, Corporate Relations Unit of the Technology Transfer Office Corporate Relations, gave a presentation on the collaboration of the IST and students’ organizations and mapped further endeavoursthat will be undertaken by IST with that regard
  • Organized visit to Fábrica Startups and tour of downtown Lisbon

The second day followed two streams of the activities. First, the majority of the group, led by the prof. dr. Luis Caldas de Oliveira visited nearby IST units (e-lab) and members of the innovation ecosystem (Beta-I and Unbabel). Mr. Paolo Dimas, the Head of Product Sector of Unbabel presented the company, organization of the translation services that they provide and innovations in their business model. The extensive discussion arose and good practices were distinguished.
The other visit was organized to Beta-I accelerator, which was considered the biggest start-up and entrepreneurship promoter in Europe by the European Enterprise Promotion Awards in June 2014. They are mostly known for being the organisation behind Lisbon Challenge, one of the most international accelerators in Europe. In addition, during their six-year operation, it has accelerated over 430 start-ups, of which 130 are active. The IF4TM training attendants had opportunity to meet with some of the inhabitants of Beta-I, to discuss benefits and challenges that they face with and to learn more about the structure of the accelerator. Second part of the activities pertained to the policy level and included the meeting between Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and Serbian delegation, attended by:

  • Ms. Isabel Ribeiro, Member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal
  • Ms. Ana Quartin, Head of the Department for International Relations of the Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal
  • Prof. Dr. Vera Dondur, State Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia
  • Prof. Dr. Vesna Mandic, the IF4TM project coordinator
  • Prof. Dr. Dragan Domazet, Rector of the Belgrade Metropolitan University

The meeting was held in the premises of the Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal and future fields of cooperation between Serbian and Portuguese educational spaces are recognized and foreseen.

The concluding remarks of the event highlighted lessons learnt and outlined further activities. The coordinator provided additional strategic and technical details with regard to the activities in the following period and evaluation form was completed.

List of participants - April 14, 2016
List of participants - April 15, 2016