Visit to the University of Maribor was designed as two day event. The first day was dedicated to the presentation of IF4TM project and experiences of the University of Maribor in the field related to the third mission dimension, particularly IPR management and technology transfer, longlife learning, innovations and start/up and spin-off creation, and support in their development within the business incubator of University of Maribor. In accordance with agreed Agenda, following speeches and presentations were held:

  • Prof. Dr. Igor Ticar, the Rector of the University of Maribor welcomed participants and initiated discussion about collaboration of University of Maribor with industry.
  • Prof. Dr. Vesna Mandic presented briefly the IF4TM project and its objectives
  • Dr. Anton Habjanic, director of Technology transfer office at the University of Maribor
  • Mag. Marjetka Kastner, Life learning academia Ljubljana
  • Ms. Lidija Majcen, Chamber of Commerce Stajerska and Prof. Dr. Marjan Leber Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
  • Jure Verhovnik, M.Sc., Business Incubator of University of Maribor

On the second day, the participants visited Faculty of Mechanical Engineering where the Faculty’s Dean Prof. Dr. Bojan Dolsak and Vice - dean Iztok Palcic welcomed the participants and presented shortly the faculty and their results in research and cooperation with industry. The partners meeting was also organized at the faculty, with participation of 11 Serbian partners and two members from Maribor. The following topics were discussed and elaborated at the meeting:

  • Signature of Partnership Agreements
  • Information from Coordinators meeting in Brussels
  • Presentation of project website, particularly the table with results
  • Preparing supporting documents (ITR,CF, TS)
  • Forming of WG1 group and presentation of action plan related to activity 1.3
  • Analysis of the work on D1.4 Report based on presentation of task leader University of Belgrade, i.e. its project member Ana Aleksic Miric who joined the meeting via Skype
  • Missing data from questionnaire (Act1.1) in the form of good practices and additional information for social engagement dimension
  • Elaboration of structure for D1.3 with delegated subchapters to WG1 members and defined deadlines for contributions.

List of participants - 18.02.2016.
List of participants - 19.02.2016.