A workshop "HR - Recruitment & Selection Process" was organised at the Creative Center of Metropolitan University in Niš on Thursday, May 9th 2019. The workshop was held by dr Milica Slijepčević, professor at Metropolitan University’s Faculty of Management, and it was organised for the students who attend lessons on Integrated Marketing Communications and Human Resource Management.

The workshop covered the following topics:

  • Introduction to the topic - theoretical aspect of marketing communication and human resources
  • Case Study - company Infostud
  • Workshop "HR - Recruitment & Selection Process" - interview for the position of Marketing Manager
  • Reflexion

After an introductory lecture and a presentation on the connection between the Marketing sector and the Human Resources (HR) sector in the company, professor Milica Slijepčević presented the case study of the company Infostud. Afterwards, the students were divided into groups for the purpose of the workshop. One group of students had the role of employees in the Marketing sector, while the other group had the role of employees in the Human Resources (HR) sector. Students in each group first formulated a job description of employees in their sector. Finally, the group of students from the Human Resources (HR) sector interviewed the second group of students for the position of Marketing Manager.

During the workshop, students showed a high level of professionalism and creativity in formulating questions and giving answers during the interviews. Students were very satisfied with the acquired practical experience within the workshop, as well as with the provided insight into the importance of cross-sectoral communication and cooperation in the company. Metropolitan University provides students with both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in mastering and better understanding teaching materials.

List of participants