10 Info days and other raising awareness events

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Info days on competition for best student ideas 2019

Info day organised at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Kragujevac
A promotion of the Competition for the best student idea organized by the Creativity Center of the University of Kragujevac was held on Thursday, February 2019, at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac. Students showed great interest in the competition, so during the interactive presentation students were explained the rules of the competition as well as the course of the realization of the competition.

Info day organised at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the University of Kragujevac
In the organization of the Creativity Center of the University of Kragujevac at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the University of Kragujevac, promotion of the Competition for the best student idea was held on February 19, 2019. The students were presented with the opportunities offered by the competition and the rules of applying for the competition were further explained to them. 

Info day organised at the Law Faculty of the University of Kragujevac
At the Law Faculty of the University of Kragujevac, the promotion of the Competition for the Best Student Idea was held on Monday, February 18, 2019, organized by the Creativity Center of the University of Kragujevac. Apart from students from the Faculty of Law, students from the Faculty of Economics attended the promotion of the competition.

Info Day – Competition for Best Student Idea - State university of Novi Pazar
After start of the Competition for the best student idea Info day for prospective competition participants was organised on SUNP in cooperation with Students Parliament of SUNP. During Info day students were introduced on importance of promotion of entrepreneurial culture, encouraging of creativity development, team spirit and founding of spin off and start-up companies. Methodology, milestones and competition details were explained to students and Inno platform was presented.

Promotion of the Competition 2019 in the Creativity Center of the University of Kragujevac for representatives of the student organizations of the faculty
Promotion of the Competition for the best student idea was held on January 25, 2018. in the Creative Center of the University. On that occasion, the meeting was attended by student representatives from the faculty of the University of Kragujevac. Through the presentation, students are introduced to the possibilities, rules, and activities of the competition, as well as the previous work and the existence of the competition. 

Promotion of the Competition for the best student idea at the faculties in Kragujevac
Promotion of the Competition for the best student idea  held on , January 17, 2019 at two faculties of the University of Kragujevac, the Faculty of Engineering Sciences and the Faculty of Economics. Those events organized within IF4TM project in cooperation with the students of the Organization of Youth Engineers FINES and Organization of the Sovereign Students of the Law Faculty,

Info days on competition for best student ideas 2018

University of Belgrade
Promotion of the Competition for the best student idea has been organized in this year too, upon the date when call was published. For that purposes, besides the communication of information through various electronic media, two Info days were organized.

State University of Novi Pazar
After start of the Competition for the best student idea Info day for prospective competition participants was organised on SUNP in cooperation with Students Parliament of SUNP. During Info day students were introduced on importance of promotion of entrepreneurial culture, encouraging of creativity development, team spirit and founding of spin off and start up companies.

Technical College of Applied Sciences in Zrenjanin
The Competition for the best student idea is going to be organized for the second year in a row. Wishing to familiarize our students with the important information about the competition, but also with the project itself, this year again we organized the Info day on Tuesday March 20th , 2018. We invited all students interested in taking part in the competition as well as those who had already sent their application.

University Metropolitan Belgrade
On Monday, 19th of March, at Belgrade Metropolitan University was held info day about the competition for the best students’ idea. The main objective of this event was to present the whole competition and its importance in developing University’s third mission.

University of Nis
At the University of Nis 20.03.2018. Info day was held in order to promote competition for the best student idea. Students got familiar with the project IF4TM, its goals and activities. A competition for the best student idea was promoted, its activities, regulations and time line of the competition. We also presented a platform for organizing activities. Interested students registered on-site for the competition.

University of Kragujevac
The competition for the best student idea was launched on 15th February 2018 at seven higher education institution in Serbia, among which is the University of Kragujevac. Besides other activities related to the promotion of the Competition, the team from University of Kragujevac organized four info days at the Faculty of Engineering (7th, 9th and 13th March) and Faculty of Economics (13th March) in order to inform the students about the competition, the rules for application, evaluation stages, rewards, etc.

Info days on competition for best student ideas 2017

Technical College of Applied Sciences in Zrenjanin
Info day about the Competition for the best student idea was organized at TCAS on 24 March 2017. The students who attended the event were informed about the project and its objectives.  

University of Belgrade
Information days were held on Faculty of Organisation Sciences and Faculty of Economics of the University of Belgrade, with a total of over 200 participants. 

University of Niš
After start of the Competition for the best student idea Info day for prospective competition participants was organised by UNI. During Info day students were introduced with overview and short description of the IF4TM project and role of the Innovation and students participation in to HEI third mission.

University of Kragujevac
The competition for the best student idea was launched on 15th February 2017 at seven higher education institution in Serbia, among which is the University of Kragujevac. Besides other activities related to the promotion of the Competition, the team from University of Kragujevac organized two info days at the Faculty of Engineering (7th March 2017) and Faculty of Economics (8th March) in order to inform the students about the competition, the rules for application, evaluation stages, rewards, etc. 

State University of Novi Pazar
After start of the Competition for the best student idea Info day for prospective competition participants was organised on SUNP in cooperation with Students Parliament of SUNP. During Info day students were introduced with overview and short description of the IF4TM project and role of the Innovation and students participation in to HEI third mission. 

Info day on entrepreneurship 2017

University of Kragujevac
Info day “Young Entrepreneur” was organized on November 20th, 2017 in the Rectorate Hall of University of Kragujevac. The event was organized in cooperation with the Business Forum Association (supported by Ministry of youth and sports of the Republic of Serbia).


IF4TM project promoted at Fair “Science for Industry”, Novi Sad 2018
The second "Science for Industry" fair was held on Thursday, December 6, 2018, at the Novi Sad Master Fair Center.
This year’s central theme of the Fair is the food that was discussed from four perspectives: technology, quality and safety; nutrition, health and medicine; information technology and automation; consulting, training and design.

IF4TM has been selected in TOP20 CBHE Erasmus+ projects and presented at EACEA conference in Rome
The Executive Agency EACEA organised on 12-13 December at University of Sapienza in Rome the annual HERE conference on the theme "Capacity building for higher education reform: The impact of collaborative international projects". Since 2015, EACEA has approved 588 CBHE projects worth 522 million euros, out of which only 73 structural projects and 147 projects coordinated by universities from partner countries.

IF4TM project promoted at Fair “Science for Industry”, Novi Sad 2017
Business fair "Science for Industry" has been held for the first time in Novi Sad, in the period from 04-05/12/2017.
The organization of the "Science for Industry" fair is inspired by the need for a stronger linkage of science with the economy and the opportunities for students and researchers to help further industrial development. This manifestation is aimed for more intensive networking of companies and research institutions - by crossing the databases of the Development Agency, the Novi Sad Fair and the Chamber of Commerce, a list of more than two thousand companies and local municipalities has been found which are interested in cooperation with academic sector.

IF4TM project promoted at Researcher`s night 2017 in Novi Sad
The European Researchers’ Night is an event dedicated to popular science and fun learning. The Researchers’ Night is a unique opportunity to meet researchers, talk to them, and find out what they really do for society, in interactive and engaging ways such as hands-on experiments, science shows, learning activities for children, guided visits of research labs, science quizzes, games, or competitions with researchers.

IF4TM project promoted at Zooming Innovation in Consumer Electronics International Conference 2017 (ZINC 2017)
Zooming Innovation in Consumer Electronics International Conference 2017 (ZINC 2017), sponsored by IEEE Serbia and Montenegro section and CE chapter and RT-RK department University of Novi Sad, has been held from 31/05/2017 to 01/06/2017 at the Central University Building of the University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia.

IF4TM project promoted at the International Festival of Science and Education 2017
The International Festival of Science and Education 2017 is held on 13-14 May in the Central campus of the University of Novi Sad. The Festival is dedicated to Nikola Tesla and its main themes were electrical energy and telecommunications. 

IF4TM project was promoted within the project WBCRTI.info

IF4TM project was promoted at newspaper ,,prosvetni-pregled

IF4TM project was presented at Entrepreneurship Fair 2016

IF4TM project promoted on Zooming Innovation in Consumer Electronics International Conference 2016 (ZINC 2016)

IF4TM project was presented on the SAUM 2016

IF4TM project was presented at International Belgrade Book Fair

Project IF4TM was promoted at a meeting of the TEMPUS project iDEAlab

IF4TM project promoted at Researcher`s night - University of Novi Sad

IF4TM project promoted at Researchers’ Night 2016

Project IF4TM was presented in science-info TV show NAUKA-PRIVREDI

Project IF4TM was presented in information TV show MOZAIK

IF4TM on scientific - professional meeting "Entrepreneurship, Engineering and Management"

IF4TM project presented in Collection of works - ENGINEERING, EDUCATION AND RISKS

IF4TM presented at a professional meeting "Entrepreneurship, Engineering and Management"

News in newspaper about project IF4TM

Erazmus+ INFO Bilten

Bulletin - Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia

IF4TM project promoted at Festival of Science 2016
The basic prerequisite for the progress of any society is the development of science, also ongoing work on the education of young scientists is crucial for any modern society. The aim of these events is to get science closer to society, to make it more transparent and more obvious, break down prejudices, as well as to educate and alleviate some of the fears that arise in society by introducing new technologies. 

IF4TM project presentation on Student coference SKONP16
Student’s parliament of the SUNP third year in the row organized student conference SKONP. SKONP16 lasted from 14th until 17th March on Zlatibor with main topic “Modern trends and leadership potential of Youth”. Number of the topics of economy, entrepreneurship and youth capacity development were covered during conference.

IF4TM project on EduFair 2016.
IF4TM project was presented on EduFair to the students and teachers of Belgrade University. EduFair was held on March 11 – 12, 2016, at Crowne Plaza Hotel in Belgrade.

Presentation of IF4TM project on Belgrade Youth Fair
IF4TM project was presented on Belgrade Youth Fair.  Presentation of IF4TM was scheduled for 4th March, at 5 PM, at hotel Metropol.